Natural Global Sleep Remedies

Every culture has herbal remedies for the basic—and brutal—problem of sleeplessness. 

These herbs and plants are often incorporated into supplements or powders to mix into drinks, brew as tea, spray on the pillow or inhale from a few drops of essential oil on the wrist.

FRANCE  |  Lavender The aroma of lavender is extremely relaxing: Spray around the bed or pillow, or place a sachet between the pillowcase and pillow. 

GERMANY  |  Valerian root A flowering plant native to Europe, the root of valerian is a sedative, and it is easy to find in supplement or tea form. 

EASTERN EUROPE  |  Chamomile Chamomile acts as a sedative, and a cup of tea can often make you drowsy enough to fall asleep. 

INDIA  |  Ashwagandha An adaptogenic plant used in Ayurvedic treatments for over 5,000 years, ashwagandha, often taken in supplement form, helps the body balance stress. 

UK  |  St. John’s Wort A natural antidepressant, studies have shown a link between St. John’s Wort (supplements) and our GABA receptors, which reduce stress and help promote sleep. 

US  |  CBD According to Dr. Fisher, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, an important balance-restoring system in our body. 

NORTH AFRICA  |  Lemon Balm Native to the Mediterranean, lemon balm—taken as tea or supplement—has a minty, citrusy flavor.  

SOUTH AMERICA  |  Passion Flower The leaves and roots release GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain that promotes relaxation. Easily found as a tea.

The post Natural Global Sleep Remedies appeared first on Organic Spa Magazine.

The Gift of Sleep

Lack of sleep has a major impact on brain/nervous system health (a causative factor implicated in dementia) and overall immune system function.

Sleep insufficiency may be caused by societal factors such as round-the-clock access to technology and work schedules, but sleep disorders such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea also play an important role.

Here are some holistic ways to encourage sound sleep.

The wind-down routine. Try to go to bed and get up the same time every day. Regular sleep hours help your nervous system learn when to turn on and off.

Meditate daily to release stress. In the evening, do some gentle movement, preferably restorative yoga postures, along with deep-belly breathing and meditation to let go of the worries of the day.

Practice yoga nidra (the “yoga of sleep”). It resets the nervous system and can be helpful for improving sleep and treating insomnia. Rod Stryker 
is a yoga nidra master and has great selections (; Integrative 
Restoration or iRest ( is also fantastic.

Exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Regular exercise can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and increases total sleep time.

Sip a cup of chamomile tea or warm organic milk with raw, organic honey and/or special sleep-inducing herbs about an hour before bedtime.

Take a warm shower or bath before bed. The warmth deeply relaxes body tissues. Add calming essential oils to the bath like lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, geranium and clary sage.

Consider supplements like melatonin, hemp extract with CBD, 
valerian, 5-HTP. Also make sure your magnesium levels are up to snuff. It isn’t called the “relaxation” mineral for nothing! Check in on any of these with your doctor, especially if taking pharmaceutical meds.

Keep your bedroom dark and cool. Turn the TV off at least an hour before bed. Bright lights, especially the blue light from TVs, computers, iPhones, LED lighting will signal the pineal gland to stop producing melatonin.

Do not have a large meal within three hours of bedtime, though a small protein snack—a few almonds or a small amount of yogurt—may help promote restful sleep by helping your body maintain normal blood sugar levels through 
the night.

Get enough melatonin-boosting organic foods and nutrients. These include oats, sweet corn, brown rice, barley, ginger, tomatoes, bananas to name but a few.

Avoid taking anti-anxiety drugs, NSAIDS, steroids, beta and calcium 
channel blockers and some antidepressants at least one hour before bed if 
possible. They inhibit melatonin production.

Don’t drink wine right before bed. Alcohol stimulates the central 
nervous system, so it may make you feel drowsy at first, but then rebounds 
to disrupt sleep.

The post The Gift of Sleep appeared first on Organic Spa Magazine.